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Aug 27, 20116 min read
A 124 Year Odyssey Involving Cases and Trusted Information Finally Ends
I first became aware of this matter about 10 years ago when I read a story about a woman named Josephine Wild Gun (yes, that is her name)...

Jun 21, 20112 min read
IBM … 100 Years Later, Still Leading with Patents + Innovation:
Nearly all the companies our grandparents admired have disappeared. Of the top 25 industrial corporations in the United States in 1900,...

May 9, 20114 min read
IBM at 100 - Patents + Innovation: SAGE, The First National Air Defense Network
This week was a reminder of how technology can aid in our nation’s defense as we struck a major blow against terrorism. Most people don’t...

Apr 28, 20114 min read
IBM at 100 - Patents + Innovation: The 1401 Mainframe
In my continuing series of IBM at 100, I turn to our data processing heritage with the IBM 1401 Data Processing System (which was long...

Mar 21, 20114 min read
Watson and The Future of ECM
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) In the past, I have whipped out my ECM powered crystal ball to pontificate about the future of...

Mar 17, 20114 min read
IBM at 100 - Patents + Innovation: UPC … The Transformation of Retail
History of the Universal Product Code (UPC) In my continuing series of IBM at 100 achievements … this is one of my favorites of all the...

Feb 15, 20117 min read
Humans vs. Watson (Artificial Intelligence Programmed by Humans): Who Has The Advantage?
Jeopardy! Day 3 Update If you are a technology person, you had to be impressed. We all know who won by now so I won’t belabor it. Ken...

Feb 14, 20115 min read
IBM at 100 - Patents + Innovation: Artificial Intelligence Computer Called Watson
What is Watson? Watson is an efficient analytical engine that pulls many sources of data together in real-time, leverages natural...

Feb 8, 20113 min read
Introducing IBM at 100: Patents and Innovation
With the looming Jeopardy! challenge competition involving IBM Watson , I am feeling proud of my association with IBM. In part because...

Jan 29, 20116 min read
Artificial Intelligence - “What is Content Analytics?, Alex”
How can the same technology used to play Jeopardy! give you better business insight? “The technology behind Watson represents the future...

Dec 10, 20103 min read
WikiLeaks Disclosures Lack Trusted Information … A Wakeup Call for Records Management
Earlier in my professional career, I used to hit the snooze button 4 or 5 times every morning when the alarm went off. I did this for...
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